
Our Vision

“Excellence to the world, aiming to produce ethical graduates who are academically proficient and expert in law enforcement, solve societal problems, and are prevalent in justice.”

Our Mission

     Mission School of Law was established under the following important missions:     

      1) The mission not only focuses on the main branches of law, but it also focuses on specific laws that have social and economic impacts in today’s world. To provide graduates with knowledge of the law in a holistic manner and able to apply knowledge in both academic and professional fields to meet the needs of the public, private, and public sectors. To be an important force in the organisation, community, society, and nation. This is to support economic, political, and social development toward justice and to support stepping into the digital society in a timely and comprehensive manner. 

      2) Focus on the basic principles and spirit of the law’s provisions for graduates to apply, and there are principles to interpret correctly and appropriately with a variety of legal problems that arise, including those that are appropriate for the situation and the era, which must be maintained with accuracy and fairness. 

    3) To produce graduates who have legal knowledge and expertise in applying the law while maintaining public awareness and social responsibility. The curriculum has been designed to allow students to learn both theory and practice while also providing opportunities for students to learn and fully engage in legal activities with the community. 

     4) Aim to produce graduates who are aware of the importance of working with the community and who play an important role in defending individual and human rights based on equality. 

    5) Aim to produce graduates with academic excellence and international practice, as well as integrated scientific knowledge based on moral and ethical principles. 6) Focus on developing, promoting, supporting, and preserving arts and culture that are appropriate for Thai society.

Our Identity

“Excellence in law for the International, Aiming to Create Quality Persons to Serve Society”

Our Objectives

– In response to the university’s integrated development under the law “Section 7 paragraph one and Section 16(2), (4) of the Walailak University Act 1992, together with the resolution of the Walailak University Council on Meeting No. 5/2565 on 14 May 2565 issued the rules and regulations of Walailak University regarding the establishment of academic institutions, centers, or agencies called otherwise B.E. 2565 ” – For the benefit of management Management of education, research and academic services – Preserving arts and culture in line with the culture of the organisation To develop Walailak University into an ideal and internationally excellent law education institution. To produce graduates with legal knowledge and expertise in law enforcement, as well as public awareness and social responsibility, and a clear ideology based on moral and ethical principles. To encourage and develop personnel conducting research to generate new knowledge in the field of law in order to further strengthen the organisation’s and society’s potential.

Our Culture

LAW : L A W (School of Laws)

L : Legality 

A : Action 

W : Walailak

The School of Law administration approach will be driven by encouraging personnel to develop legal knowledge skills, teaching skills, and produce academic works as part of supporting Walailak University’s goal of becoming a leading research university in the world (Global and Frontier Research). Internationalised teaching and learning with a focus on developing students’ English language skills. Organise teaching and learning in Active Learning in accordance with UKPSF standards in order to provide university graduates with both theoretical and practical knowledge. This will be a valuable resource and a driving force for the nation in the future.